
The price is 82.4USD when purchased separately. If purchased together with other products, no postage will be charged. The product is also available on ebay.

Support custom programming, you can expand the functionality you need.


As shown in the picture, the accessory can provide two scroll wheels and a button. It USES a USB interface, plug and play. In addition, we have added a 6-pin terminal block to facilitate your expansion of program functions.

If you are not satisfied with the built-in functions, you need to modify the program, we do not provide corresponding services.

You can get the source code from the Google drive.


*All goods will be charged by weight, excluding shipping and other charges. We will calculate according to the lowest cost in your country/region. If there is a purchase, we will charge you again when we confirm the order.

Weight0.3 kg



110-A, 120-A, 110-B, 122-B


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